Joel Gilbert has hand-crafted a delightful and sobering piece of work. Using the metaphors from The Wizard of Oz, he illustrates, through historical fact, personal interviews with citizens and non-citizens, and experts, the presence of socialism in the USA and its ill effects. He also uses President Obama's biographical details and own words to bolster his case. Some of the quotes from the Obamas surprised me; I'd no idea he had spoken in words and phrases that are communist talking points. Aspects of this film, especially the use of interviews, are quite clever. The animation appears purposefully hokey. Refreshingly, Mr. Gilbert, although tackling a very weighty subject, does not take himself too seriously. I was left wondering at several points why I'd never seen these types of interviews and the places of desolation in the news before, or had Obama's words put into a more meaningful context. This film definitely provided food for thought and was enjoyable as well, as I continue to seek to educate myself on the real state of politics in the USA.