Slawomir Mrozek का जन्म 29 जून 1930 को हुआ था।Slawomir Mrozek एक लेखक और अभिनेता थे, जो Kalosze szczescia (1958), Tango और Szach (2001) के लिए मशहूर थे।उनकी मृत्यु 15 अगस्त 2013 को हुई थी।
His play, "Tango," was performed in a Royal Shakespeare Company production at the Aldwych Theatre in London, England with Michael Williams, Patience Collier, Robert Eddison, Pauline Jameson, and Peter Jeffrey in the cast. Trevor Nunn was director.
He was widely considered to be Poland's leading 20th-century playwright. He wrote allegorical plays which lampooned the political and social mores of the postwar Eastern bloc nations. His work is often compared to that of Romanian playwright Eugène Ionesco.
I simply live and write plays. I don't define myself. Some writers just love to explain themselves, but that's not for me. It doesn't matter what they call me; I just nod my head, and that's it. [in a 1996 interview with the Moscow News]