Mabel Normand का जन्म 10 नवंबर 1892 को हुआ था।Mabel Normand एक अभिनेत्री और निदेशक थीं, जो Mickey (1918), Jinx (1919) और The Extra Girl (1923) के लिए मशहूर थीं।उनकी मृत्यु 22 फ़रवरी 1930 को हुई थी।
[In an interview when a "family magazine", when asked what her hobbies were] I don't know. Say anything you like, but don't say I love to work. That sounds like Mary Pickford, that prissy bitch. Just say I like to pinch babies and twist their legs. And get drunk. NOTE: In fact, she and Pickford were actually good friends.
Big eyes and a big smile; some magazines compared her to a goldfish