George Sidney का जन्म 4 अक्तूबर 1916 को हुआ था।George Sidney एक निदेशक और निर्माता थे, जो Scaramouche (1952), Pepe (1960) और Young Bess (1953) के लिए मशहूर थे।उनकी मृत्यु 5 मई 2002 को हुई थी।
Co-founded and co-financed Hanna-Barbera Productions (with William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, and Columbia Pictures' Screen Gems television division) in 1957 in and was the company's president for 10 years.
[on Judy Garland] The studio was very patient with her. You had to be with this great talent. I simply thought she was bored, so I would devise difficult bits of business to keep her preoccupied. But this widespread notion that the studio somehow destroyed her is nonsense. Her personal life got too much for her. I prefer to think of her as she is in "The Harvey Girls" near the peak of her talent.