Gord Downie का जन्म 6 फ़रवरी 1964 को हुआ था।Gord Downie एक अभिनेता और लेखक थे, जो जम्पर (2008), One Week (2008) और Ararat (2002) के लिए मशहूर थे।उनकी मृत्यु 17 अक्तूबर 2017 को हुई थी।
The Hip's song "50 Mission Cap" (From their album Fully Completely)
touches on the legend of Bill Barilko, a Leafs player who scored the
Stanley Cup-winning goal in 1951 and disappeared on a fishing trip
later that year. Though the song is about a Maple Leaf, his favorite
team is the Boston Bruins (Harry Sinden, former GM of the Bruins is his