America is at this moment developing advanced systems of "weapons of
mass destruction" and is prepared to use them where it sees fit. It has
more of them than the rest of the world put together. It has walked
away from international agreements on biological and chemical weapons,
refusing to allow inspection of its own factories. The hypocrisy behind
its public declarations and its own actions is almost a joke. America
believes that the 3,000 deaths in New York are the only deaths that
count, the only deaths that matter. They are American deaths. Other
deaths are unreal, abstract, of no consequence. The 3,000 deaths in
Afghanistan are never referred to. The hundreds of thousands of Iraqi
children dead through American and British sanctions which have
deprived them of essential medicines are never referred to. The effect
of depleted uranium, used by America in the Gulf War, is never referred
to. Radiation levels in Iraq are appallingly high. Babies are born with
no brain, no eyes, no genitals. Where they do have ears, mouths or
rectums, all that issues from these orifices is blood.