पात्रों: Peter Benjamin Parker, Norman Virgil Osborn/The Green Goblin, Harold "Harry" Theopolis Osborn, Uncle Benjamin "Ben" Parker, Aunt May Reilly Parker, John Jonah Jameson Junior & Eugene "Flash" Thompson (बिना क्रेडिट के)
He was the first artist for Marvel Comics' Spider-Man and his tenure is still the most influential creative period for the character which saw the creation of most of the classic supporting characters like J. Jonah Jameson and Aunt May, and villians like Dr. Octopus and the Green Goblin.
I prefer conflicts that are based on reality rather than based on fantasy. When you get wound up with super villains, super fantastic gadgets and super incredible action, everything has to be made so deliberately that it all becomes senseless. It boils down to what you want a story to stand for. Every person, whether he wants to be or not, is in a continuous struggle. It is a struggle to keep his mind from being corrupted.