Paul Frees(1920-1986)
- फिल्म कलाकार
- लेखक
- अतिरिक्त समूह
Paul Frees का जन्म 22 जून 1920 को हुआ था।Paul Frees एक अभिनेता और लेखक थे, जो The War of the Worlds (1953), The Last Unicorn (1982) और The Beatniks (1958) के लिए मशहूर थे।उनकी मृत्यु 2 नवंबर 1986 को हुई थी।
टीवी सीरीज़
- Additional Voices
- Boris Badenov
- Inspector Fenwick
- Captain Peachfuzz
- Dudley Do-Right Narrator
- Cloyd
- Mayor
- Judge
- Chauncey
- Edgar
- Slug
- Admiral
- Fiduciary J. Blurt
- Hugo Bumbling
- Professor Wernher von Beige
- Athos
- Chancellor
- Filcher
- François Villain
- General
- General Broadbeam
- Hadley
- King Bushwick
- Colonel McCornpone
- Ed Foo Yung
- Grand Vizier
- Guadalupe Rodriguez (Zero)
- Guard
- Henry
- Italian
- Jay
- Lazy Jay
- Newsboy #2
- Pericles Parnassus
- Professor
- Rocky Knute
- Sheriff
- Sheriff Wright
- Sir Isaac Newton
- TV Announcer
- Alfred Nobel
- Bank Robber
- Banker
- British Soldier
- Buffalo Bill
- Candlestick Maker
- Christopher Columbus
- Citizen
- Citizen of Deadwood
- Cockney Soldier
- Colonel
- Colonel Jefferson Beauregard Lee
- Deadwood Reporter
- Dmitriy
- Doctor
- Don Juan
- Floy
- Forrest Primeval
- G.J.
- Galileo
- Gaspar Viejo
- Gaston
- General Burgoyne
- George
- Giuseppe Pasto
- Grocer
- Guglielmo Marconi
- Hat-Seller
- Hatchet
- Indian Chief
- Johannes Gutenberg
- King
- King Richard
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Lieutenant
- Logger
- Lord Douglas
- Lord Nelson
- Lord of Pesaro
- Louis Pasteur
- Lyndon
- Man #1
- Mangler #2
- Mayor Fiorello LaPompano
- Mr. Friendly
- Mr. Wangle
- Mustache Seller
- Napoleon
- Newsreader
- Nozmo
- O'Hara
- Peter Piper
- Pierre LeKomo
- Pirate #2
- Pirate #3
- Police Detective #1
- Policeman
- Ponce De Leon
- Queen Isabella
- Railroad Man
- Railway Clerk
- Robber #1
- Rollo
- Scotland Yard Inspector
- Sergeant
- Southern Gentleman
- Spanish Captain
- Steamboat Captain
- Townsman #1
- Townsman #3
- Train Conductor
- Warden
- Wilbur Wright
- William Tell
- Wolf
- 'Sybil'
- Aces Wilde
- Actor
- Adloff the Politician
- Agent 7
- Airline President
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Alfred
- American Board Member
- Anatol
- Arena Manager
- Aristotle
- Assistant District Attorney
- Barber
- Barnaby Victor
- Barney
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benson
- Board Member #1
- Bookie #1
- Boris
- Brainwasher
- British Captain
- British Commander
- British Trooper
- Buffalo Bill Cody
- Caleb's Friend
- Captain Kidd
- Captain Matthew Clift
- Captain R.J. Hotchkiss
- Captain Schnader
- Captain of Guards
- Carlyle
- Casanova
- Castaway
- Caveman #1
- Charley's Friend
- Charlie Parlorcar
- Checker Player
- Chief Inspector
- Chief Missile Engineer
- Chief of Police
- Chinese Authority
- Chop Suey Louie
- Circus Onlooker #1
- Citizen #1
- Citizen with Pig
- Clem
- Cletus Bookbinder
- Climber #2
- Colonel Beauregard
- Commander Peary
- Confucius
- Constable Archibald Woolley
- Cook
- Corsair Captain
- Council Head
- Counselor
- Cowboy Actor
- Cowboy Star
- Credney Blatt
- Croupier
- Customer #1
- Customer #2
- Dad
- Dallas Kid
- Daniel Boone
- Dentist
- Digger Deeper
- Diplomat
- District Attorney
- Dorson Belles
- Dr. Livingstone
- Dr. Poppover
- Dr. Sebastian Fleegle
- Duel Judge
- Duke of Wellington
- Durward
- Earl of Crankcase
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Edgar Fish
- Einstein
- Eph's Friend
- Erwin
- Eskimo Chief
- Estate Agent
- Evacuating Floy
- Eye Doctor
- FBI Chief
- Fact-Finder #1
- Featherby's Friend
- Feodor
- Ferdinand Magellan
- Fingers Scarnose
- Fishmonger
- Foreign Legion Officer
- Foreman
- Francis Bacon
- Francisco Pizzaro
- Frantic Man
- Franz Schubert
- French Board Member
- French Board Member #1
- French Cabinet Member #1
- Frog Prince
- Funeral Parlor Man
- Fungus Khan
- Gambler #2
- General Carruthers
- General Consternation
- General Cornwallis
- General Washington
- General's Aide
- Generous Man
- George Armstrong Custer
- Georgiy
- Geronimo
- Gonzalez
- Gorki's Assistant
- Government Guard
- Governor
- Governor Abner
- Gunslinger
- Hans Christian Oersted
- Harlow
- Hatful
- Hawser Guard
- Henry VIII
- Herman the Pidgeon
- Hotel Manager
- Inca Chief
- Indian
- J. Edgar Bloomer
- James McNeill Whistler
- Jesse James
- Jeweler
- Jim Bowie
- John Holland
- John James Audobon
- John Sutter
- Jules Verne
- Julius Caesar
- Kilrain's Manager
- King Arthur
- King Cheops
- King's Brother
- Kirward
- Kit Carson
- Kublai Khan
- Leader of Moon Men
- Lecturer
- Lefty
- Leif Ericsson
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Little John
- Lord Cardigan
- Louis XVI
- Ludwig Van Beethoven
- M.T. Skull
- Major
- Major Hardrock
- Man #2
- Mangler #1
- Mangler No. 26
- Mangler No. 70
- Marco Polo
- Marie Antoinette
- Marquis of Queensbury
- Martha Washington
- Mate
- McSnide
- Member Bookie #1
- Merlin
- Mexican
- Mexican #1
- Mink Farmer
- Moon Man
- Mort
- Mountie #3
- Mr. Butterfield
- Mrs. Revere
- Nasty Noogle
- Navy Commander
- Neighbor
- Nero
- Newsboy
- O.D. Pringle
- Odd Puss Rex
- Old Man Mose
- Oldberry
- Opponent
- Orphanage Man
- Orville
- Otis
- P.T. Barnum
- Pa Hatful
- Pancho Villa
- Papa Scarnose
- Pass Receiver
- Paul Julius Reuter
- Paul Revere
- Penn
- Penworthy
- Peter Cooper
- Pilot
- Police Chief
- Police Officer
- Pongo Britt
- Pony Express Manager
- Porfirio Garbonza
- Postmaster James J. Nearly
- Printer
- Prison Guard
- Professor #3
- Prosecutor
- Publius Maximus
- Quincy Flogg
- Radar Man
- Radio Actor
- Radio Announcer
- Ranthrew
- Reporter
- Restaurant Manager
- Restaurant Patron
- Rimsky
- Robber
- Robert E. Leech
- Robin Hood
- Robinson Crusoe
- Russian #1
- Russian General
- Sailor #1
- Scientist #2
- Scotsman
- Scout
- Secretary of Defense
- Secretary of State
- Secretary of the Interior
- Selwyn
- Senator
- Senator Fussmussen
- Senator Shunpike
- Sheik Abdul Fanook
- Sheriff of Nottingham
- Shirt Seller
- Sir Augustus Coney
- Sir Digby's Friend
- Sir Newton Fugg
- Sir Round
- Sir Walter Raleigh
- Sitting Bull
- Skagway Judge
- Sleepless Mexican
- Slim
- Spectator
- Stephen Decatur
- Student
- Talbot Heffelfinger
- Talent Scout
- Technician
- Theatre Manager
- Tiddler #1
- Toll Collector
- Tor
- Town Councilman #2
- Two-Gun Twombly
- Undertaker
- Variety Show Announcer
- Vasco Nunez de Balboa
- Vienna Police Chief
- Viewer
- Wagon Man
- Washington's Father
- Watchdog
- Weatherman
- Welcoming Man
- Whistler's Mother
- William Shakespeare
- William Tecumseh Sherman
- Wizard
- Wyatt Earp
- X-9
- Yale Rower
- Zeb's Friend
- Zebulon Pike
- Zeke(वॉइस)