Personally I have never found the practice of recreational drug use
appealing. In fact, I have always found the lifestyle and the people
who surround it to be abhorrent. I never quite understood why anyone
would risk sacrificing their bodies, minds, and relationships at the
expense of a quick damaging high. I grew up in a small town and at my
high school, like every high school, everyone's recreation of choice
was drug abuse. I never understood it. I never took part and always
felt quite alone in this decision. Then one day I discovered a band
called Minor Threat and realized that there were more people out there
who thought like me. I was very excited to say the least, and what was
more encouraging, these people were part of the oh-so self-destructive
punk scene. From that day on I claimed the X. I continue to do so today
because I believe the straight edge philosophy is a very positive one
that many people, especially young people, can benefit from greatly if
they have the desire.