Kim Tae-hee का जन्म 29 मार्च 1980 को हुआ था।Kim Tae-hee एक अभिनेत्री हैं, जो Joong-cheon (2006), Yong Pal (2015) और Iris (2009) के लिए मशहूर हैं।Kim Tae-hee Rain के साथ 19 जनवरी 2017 से विवाहित हैं।
She is a close friend with Honey Lee, who won the 1st place at 2006 Miss Universe Korea and came 4th place at 2007 Miss Universe competition. They are both graduates of Seoul National University.
[her quote about beauty] You can shine with beautiful skin, but a healthy mind and self-confidence in your beauty are things that really make a person shine.