[on her suicide attempt] Last May, I did something really, really stupid. I had been living in New York and I moved back to Paris, to try again with the father of my son. It was a big change. I wasn't so healthy in Paris . . . I couldn't find a gym, and exercise is important to me because I am very hyper. I came straight from New York to living in Claude's house, and I really wanted it to work, and it didn't work out. He hurt me . . . so I decided . . . I don't know how to say this. It was like a bad, bad depression, a very deep depression. I felt really alone. It wasn't just like, "I'm here, don't ignore me". Nothing like that. I really thought I wanted . . . I decided to. After my . . . after I tried to kill myself, when I woke up, I finally realized: Claude is not the man for me. And I am not the woman for him. I am too independent and he is too independent also.