Joanna Ruiz
- फिल्म कलाकार
- संगीत विभाग
Joanna Ruiz Dead Sea (2014), The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! (2010) और Bas Karo Henry (2006) में अपने काम के लिए मशहूर हैं।
टीवी सीरीज़
- Sour Susan
- Goody-Goody Gordon
- Singing Soraya
- Gorgeous Gurinda
- Gorgeous Gurinder
- Miss Lovely
- Bossy Bill
- Stuck-Up Steve
- Moody Margaret's Mum
- Rabid Rebecca
- Fred Fartwell
- Lisping Lily
- Mrs. Mossy
- Perfect Peter's Good and Bad Conscience
- Tannoy Voice
- Tetchy Tess
- The Doctor
- Wedding Guests
- Woman at Recycling Centre