Norden did extensive research for the creation of the voice for his portrayal of real-life notorious New Mexico rancher, accused-but-acquitted, then later state senator Oliver Milton Lee--whose former ranch is now Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, outside of Alamogordo--in the circa-1896 Western,
Among the Dust of Thieves (2013). Lee grew up in Buffalo Gap, Texas, outside of Abilene, in the mid-1860s and 1870s. Norden created the voice for Lee by first consulting a linguistics professor at Abilene Christian University, who eventually directed him to study the most-documented Abilene-area accent, that of country-western singer Lee Roy Parnell (who, like Lee, also grew up outside of Abilene). After mastering Parnell's accent, Norden then "aged" it, first by "formalizing" Parnell's inflections to make them sound less contemporary and more of an earlier era, and then by adding a layer of dry growl to the "1890s Lee Roy Parnell voice" so as to recreate the rasp that would have existed in Lee's vocal chords as a result of having spent two decades breathing in the dust of the arid Southern New Mexico plains.