Our Gang: Inside the Clubhouse (1984)
*** 1/2 (out of 4)
Music Director T. Marvin Hatley, cameraman William Draper and J.R. Smith, Jackie Cooper, Matthew Beard, George McFarland, Tommy Bond, Peggy Ahern and Jackie Lynn Taylor are interviewed about the history of the Hal Roach Our Gang series.
Clocking in at just over ninety-minutes, this documentary certainly has some flaws and is out-of-date but it's important to remember when this was made. The most fascinating thing about this documentary is the fact that they managed to get many of the kids who worked on the series. The documentary itself does a very good job at starting at the very beginning and going through the history of the series including the various changes that happened throughout the years.
Another major plus is the racial content that is discuss as many of the Our Gang shorts that were currently playing on television were highly edited. The subject of the controversy is certainly interesting as is getting to hear what it was like on the set back then in regards to the races being mixed. All of the stories told are highly entertaining and there's no question that fans are really going to enjoy this. Another highlight comes towards the end when we're given an update on where the actors are today. The whole "curse" of the series isn't mentioned.