Anna Macy (played by Elizabeth Debicki) is a highly-regarded doctor, working at a hospital in London. Suffering from frequent headaches and other ill-health, she returns to her home town of Kettering, Tasmania. She left the town under a cloud 15 years earlier after her best friend Gillian disappeared. Back now, she finds that the old animosities remain. Moreover, the strange phenomena that accompanied Gillian's disappearance remain and another girl has disappeared.
Started very intriguingly. There was a slow-burning intensity about the main plot with some interesting sub-plots. Elizabeth Debicki put in a solid performance in the lead role and the supporting cast were fairly good too.
The series did seem padded, however, but I figured that it would soon ramp up the pace and the payoff would be worth all the effort.
Sadly, no. The pace never quickens. The whole thing just drifts throughout. As for a payoff, the conclusion is convoluted, random, confusing and anticlimactic. It all seems set up for a second season, though apparently this is a mini-series.