This Canadian documentary is the kind of documentaries I love. Research- based and with important interviews and interesting facts shown in a graphic and understandable way.
Sugar is the most drastic change in diet ever made in human history.
The film discussed the troubled consequences of sugar being put into 75 percent of the processed food we eat. The problem is that the sugar industry does what it can for us to use as much of the stuff as possible, hence the industry earns more. The film also discussed food in general, and the battle of fat and sugar, and the false papers made to make us buy into the "low fat" argumentation, and instead filling the fat gap with processed sugar.
The film also debates if children today could have a better everyday situation without all the added sugar. You could say sugar being one of the main problems we face in today's world. And it's not only USA and Europe. It's all across the world.
The Sugar is today's tobacco problem. Scary, but well worth watching.