There's an odd critic backlash against "Wicked City" because of "violence against women". Uhh... it's a show about a detective pursuing a serial killer similar to Hillside Strangler, who targeted women. It is fiction, centered around certain subject matter which alludes to, unfortunately, some real history. And when it comes to actual graphic scenes, they're tame compared to a show like "CSI" or "Bones", never even mind "Dexter". Or "Zodiac". Or "SE7EN".
So what's next, are we gonna hear that "12 Years A Slave" is racist because it shows abuse of African-Americans? Clearly, they've been singled out by that movie! Is that how low the bar has fallen, that we now want to keep storytelling on a politically-correct leash, to strip it of any edge or rawness, dare it not offend anyone? I hope not, because that will be the end.
Compared to your generic procedurals like CSI: CITY or NCIS: CITY, or Hawaii Five-O, this show's pilot was refreshing, it moved along at a brisk pace, and made me actually interested in what happens next.
Compared to throwaway skin-show-for-kids like "Quantico" this show should be a breakaway hit. At least, in a world where critics have taste.