'Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017)' is a phenomenal game. It's incredibly immersive, putting you squarely inside the head of its schizophrenic protagonist and keeping you there throughout. Every aspect of the game works to put you in her head-space; it really is remarkable. The piece's excellent sound design conveys the hallucinations, delusions and intrusive thoughts that plague its hero, making them an integral part of the experience. The gameplay does this, too, as the voices will often warn you of danger or give you a hint. This is a great way of conveying both sides of the equation, portraying mental illness as something far more nuanced than the 'monster' it is so often reduced to. The game sees the lead character embark on a quest to bring back her dead lover, alternating between combat and puzzles as it tells its amazing tale. Whether or not Senua's journey is entirely physical is irrelevant; it's totally real. It feels real, too. The battles, while not overly complex, are often gruelling and ominous, a feeling that is bolstered by the affair's potential 'perma-death' (the validity of which doesn't really matter). The whole experience can be described as gruelling and ominous, actually. It's amazingly atmospheric and surprisingly emotionally resonant. Ultimately, it's utterly captivating, a triumph in every aspect. It may only be short, around seven hours in total, but it's certainly worth your time. 9/10