The exceptional comedy short, Roller Coaster, written and directed by Bradley Hawkins, revolves around "Emily," a young actress who encounters various obstacles while trying to make her way to an audition. Through the music and acting, the short film takes a hurried and frustrating ride through Los Angeles that hooks you from the very beginning. Using a point-of-view shot ascending the tracks of a roller coaster combined with music reminiscent of a horror film, a feeling of dread abounds, alluding that something is bound to go terribly wrong. One of the most noteworthy aspects of the film is the way that the maddening journey "Emily" (Sarah Hawkins) takes through LA is juxtaposed with quick shots of a younger version of herself screaming her way through a roller coaster ride, giving an inside look into the feelings of the young actress. Another fascinating aspect of the film is the way the writer/director, Bradley Hawkins, is able to say so much with so little dialogue. The audience cannot help but laugh at the relatable reactions "Emily" has to the troubles that she faces. Roller Coaster is not to be missed, and I am looking forward to seeing what Hawkins creates next.