The movie has a bad written script: few crucial lines, scenes are delivered to the audience directly through the lines of the characters, whithout any subtle signals in the actions. Also, the director has made a few wrong choices in the way the cameras are placed on the set for most of the scenes, using only 1 or 2 angles. Moreover, the voices of the characters sound as they've been placed after the filming, recorded in the studio. The actors seem bored, tired and uncomfortable with each others and the characters they are playing. The backround music seems to have been downloaded from a cheap website with free :30 secs recordings of some alternative music. The figuration seems to be unaware of what they are supposed to do, and so do the secondary actors after they've said their lines, looking vaguely at the floor. Therefore, dear IMDB, I strongly believe that this movie, which I watched as a joke, should be taken off of IMDB, as it is written that it is a comedy, but the only funny things happening in this joke of a movie are the Retrica filter applied to each scene and the POOR plot twist that made no sense. please