I was looking for a film about a bunch of folks whose boats gets in trouble so they get rescued then wwird stuff happens.
It was called The Triangle. JUST the Triangle. Was supposed to be on Prime but wasnt. Often I say to the voice command Triangle on Prime?/tubi/Netflix and often I find it hidden on ANOTHER streaming service. But once this started playing I got interested in the ideas being discussed. This is not a horror film in ANY sense but its a decent low budget science fiction independent piece that managed to keep me interested through to the end.
Its not got any practical or even 'special' effects. So all the suspense is derived from the dialogue and the good acting in this almost all female cast. Of course there's a whole beginning middle & end but the first was the weakest.
The women have different motives & know each other but generally they are trying to find out where/why the scientict father of the main character ended up; but left some perplexing yet hard to ignore journals and tests that suggest he isn't so much as dead but just missing. For a cheap time/ space /travel/ multiverse paradox movie its really not bad. The acting and story did all the work. More money and maybe more effects would have made more folks have access to this, but they did well with what they had. NOW I gotta find The Triangle which despite the youtube Pirate's insistance, IS NOT ON PRIME. THIS was on Tubi. Kinda started without me selecting it! LOL.