X is "not an anthology" movie directed by 11 directors, an achievement in itself. The movie is a collection of 11 short films tied by one common link- K, the protagonist. K is a self-righteous, little psychotic, and lonely director who's ready to forego real-life experiences to find inspiration for his movies.
In the first section 'Past is Present' K meets a girl who reminds him of his first girlfriend. And as he spends the rest of the night with this mysterious girl, he has flashbacks of some unforgettable experiences he has had with different women in his life. Every flashback, directed by separate directors, is entangled with the first section.
In the beginning, the movie is a little complex and puzzling, but it disentangles gradually. The film's editing is quite impressive especially considering the film is a fusion of works of 11 directors, each having different working styles and mindsets.
A big issue with the movie is that there are so many interwoven tales to tell in only around 100 minutes. It does not allow the viewer to explore the more engaging encounters of K's past. At times K's character shown at different phases of his life seem like distinct individuals altogether. Perhaps the reason is that four different actors play K at different ages.
Although the story is of a film director visiting the ghosts of his past, the ghosts seem quite relatable. There are also elements of magic and surrealism present in the story as the director's journey is explored. The performances of Anshuman Jha in the part "Knot" and Swara Bhaskar in "Summer Holiday" are remarkable.
X: Past is present is an experimental abstract film and, understandably, many viewers might find it confusing and unsavory. Nevertheless, the movie is, for the most part, entertaining, and the character K is likely to arouse one's curiosity.