अपनी भाषा में प्लॉट जोड़ेंThe story revolves around Geetha (Radhika Pandit), a middle-class girl, who suppresses her ambitions due to poverty. She had to fear the society and also her drunkard brother (Chandru) who a... सभी पढ़ेंThe story revolves around Geetha (Radhika Pandit), a middle-class girl, who suppresses her ambitions due to poverty. She had to fear the society and also her drunkard brother (Chandru) who always ill-treats her. Though she likes Krishna (Ajai Rao), she elopes with Narendra (Prade... सभी पढ़ेंThe story revolves around Geetha (Radhika Pandit), a middle-class girl, who suppresses her ambitions due to poverty. She had to fear the society and also her drunkard brother (Chandru) who always ill-treats her. Though she likes Krishna (Ajai Rao), she elopes with Narendra (Pradeep), son of a rich man, for money. A ghastly incident makes her lead a miserable life unab... सभी पढ़ें