I watched this today on TV, and was quite well surprised. For a Bulgarian production it was very well constructed and executed.
The only weak point was that it wasn't energetic enough... Everyone were acting too tight - both vocally and as a body language. Like they all were trying to make everything perfectly flawless.
Its okay to have some errors, folks, this is a teen movie after all. It was "too quiet" also, indoor and outdoors. Kinda weird to be outside at the playground of the school, to see lot of students moving around and not to hear any other sounds than the actor's voices.
It's not needed to be so stiff in acting, just loose yourself a bit, use slang language, move as a human who's 11th grade graduating teenager, not a robot...
Despite all of that, I liked this movie and as far as I know there's a second episode, which now I'll have to find and watch, to see how it goes with the class of XI A.