I think we can all admit that it's hard to create a show that stands out, As we are at a time where television is at it's pinnacle point. So when I started this show I was expecting a mildly entertaining series. What I got, is, a show that is real. So much so, that it brought tears to my eyes. That should tell you all you need to know about this beautiful tale about life. The story revolves around a few characters that seem to be unrelated. Just like the facts that were stated in the beginning of the show. However they have more in common than you realize. What sets this show apart from most, isn't the ending, But the journey you take in-between. As someone who's seen many new shows this year, both comedy and drama, I can say with absolute certainty, this is the most memorable. Not only because of it's outstanding story telling but because of it's cast, who bring life to the story.