This is a six episode documentary on the history of the comic book. The first episode is Marvel, mostly the collaboration of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. It's nice to have Stan before his death a year later. The second episode is the strange origins of Wonder Woman. The third is Superman centering on the struggles of Shuster and Siegel. The fourth is about 9/11 and Civil War. The fifth is the struggle of black artists and Milestone Comics. The last is Image Comics which has the titular Robert Kirkman as a partner.
Robert Kirkman is the executive producer and the name above the title. That allows for some inside man information but also plenty of spin. The main spin is that artists need to get paid and they should have control. Nobody but the money men would disagree to that. The information is relatively well-known to fans but it's put together in a nice way. Only the fourth episode doesn't really fit the central theme. I think that this is worthwhile for fans and newbies alike. They will find different things interesting.