"Mia and Me" is set in an imaginary world called Centopia, and has had three television series before this feature film addition to the adventures Mia has with elves, unicorns and other magical creatures.
This feature follows a similar format to the TV series, with short live action scenes bookending the animated section of film, in which the real fun happens.
Mia is a strong and positive role model for young girls, and in this film she faces challenges through which the film explores themes of loss, fear, and the power of friendship.
Aimed at a young audience, "Mia and Me: The Hero of Centopia" gives us a world of beauty and magic to discover as the main characters do their best to stop an evil monster, Toxor, from changing the world into a bizarre mutated version where no-one can fly and everyone must obey his every command.
All the major supporting characters from the TV series are in the film: Mo and Yuko working as a team, Onchao and Phuddle travelling with Mia, plus there are new characters Mia makes friends with along the way including a boy elf called Iko, and a Storm Unicorn. Phuddle works well as the comic side-kick, making unintentional jokes and saying whatever pops into his mind.
There are action packed scenes as the forces of good fight with the evil Toxor and his henchgoons the "groundlings".
While the quality of the animation is not that of the current Hollywood Studios the story is able to suspend the audience's disbelief aided by the excellent music and pacing of the film.
Although there were a couple of subtle bits of dialogue making references that only the adults would understand the film would have been better if there was more for the parents to enjoy. And while the inclusion of live action scenes at the beginning and end of film maintains the format the fan based viewers will recognize these scenes aren't necessary for the actual film, and are the weakest part.
Still the film is enjoyable as is, and the message about the value and power of good friends is very commendable.