When the first episode of this show aired I was offended beyond belief. I started multiple change.org petitions so that perhaps Obama would send some death squads to quell this hate speech. At the time my view was that me must not tolerate intolerance, and more so, combat it with the utmost prejudice. The first problem I saw was that the cast did not represent the true diversity of the united states. It was not 50% white, 50% black, 60% Jewish, 50% Hispanic, 50% Asian, 50% gay, 50% lesbian, 50% non-binary genders. So I planned to watch the second episode and live-tweet all the racism, sexism, homophobia, trans-phobia, afrophobia, and Islamophobia. However something happened, I was somehow drawn in and at one point I didn't even feel offended, and then I felt dirty because I actually cracked a smile. I didn't like the feeling and shut of the TV. The next week I lied to my multiple sexual partners / band-mates / communal livers / revolutionaries that I was going to bed, but I was actually going to watch the next episode. This became a guilty pleasure, the show drew me in, awakened something inside me. When I began watching this show, I was a test-tube-gub-gub-snail-man. But now I am knee deep in gash, all thanks to Sam Hyde.