+ Very, very powerful display of forgiveness.
+ Powerful display against distracted driving.
+ Past Salvation of Maria, but no indication of a planned baptism.
- It was not reasonable to see Maria go into prison the same day she was arrested for distracted driving.
- The displayed church is not according to the biblical guidelines. A single Senior Pastor is nowhere stipulated in the Bible and much less a 'First Lady', which is a very bad example propagated throughout the movie. There is also no such thing as leaders of a church sitting in special costumes in a row on an elevated platform between the choir and the congregation.
A biblical church should not be a playhouse and always consists of a plurality of elders / overseers / pastors (all the exact same office). Movies should have a higher standard and not just reflect the status quo of a fallen church. Because they reach hundreds of thousands, they should go along the Bible, and not along culture.
- The movie shows entitlement and a lack of respect towards doctors. We as Christians ought not to ask for the best doctors or ask for senior cardiologists above chief cardiologists.
This would be ok if it would be a lesson to teach us, but John is nowhere seen apologizing to the doctors. We as Christians ought to be different from the world and trust THEOS, not in titles while questioning authorities.
- The movie shows a behavior after the death of a son, which is exactly the same behavior any pagan would have.
This is a sad testimony of the church, showing that most (American) Christians have not understood the Bible. The Bible is clear about the salvation of those who have not yet reached the Age of Accountability and do not yet know the difference between good and evil.
The David of the Bible was rather in joy after his son had died, because he knew him to have taken a significant shortcut to Heaven. So why are we Christians just imitating, and sometimes even worse than pagans?
I have now seen many American 'Christian' movies where children die, but almost without exception we see bitterness and anger, and very rarely joy or any mention of Heaven.
What American filmmakers display, is the exact opposite of the Good Message of Salvation. It looks and feels as if all those children go straight to Gehenna.
- Display of a luxury lifestyle of a pastor.