The programs of trash-horror film events are by their nature a mixed bag and by those standards BODIES is one of the better items.
A few unestablished performers mill around in real settings as we follow the young couple whose home has a "For sale" sign on the lawn, when they enthusiastically take up the offer of a program with the "Kenilworth Life Science" program that offers a pay out that to solve their problems. In prosaic farm estate settings, they face increasingly sinister choices where the organisers study their reactions. So far so so, complete with double exposed, echoing track interludes.
However as the film's real design becomes clear, it gets to be more interesting. The running masked man is missing a finger. "What happened to my Rosie?" The argument that the work will make easier anticipating the decisions of people in power almost makes the craziness seem justified.
They get by without effects work, action or (really) sex and stay so British.