Who is this Mike Bir-Bi-Glia? I've heard of him, but not really! I've seen him somewhere, but not sure where! So when this title came up on my Netflix channel as something that I may be interested in, I thought, "Heck, it's got God in the title, so it could be another fun night of religion bashing by some vaguely known comedian!"
Well, it was better than that. This Bir-Bi-Glia comedian is a gem to be treasured. His cheeky grin and wry sense of humour had me hooked from the word go. Most importantly, is the timing, how he spreads his stories around and they all interconnect in a beautiful subtle way. He doesn't rush, but strolls through his tales of life's ups and downs, but mostly his unfortunate events that he turns to comedy gold. Better still, he involves his audience and utilizes them perfectly into his act.
By the end, I knew this Mike Birbiglia. I knew where he has been, and I now know where he will be going (definitely not on a David O. Russell film set).