No wait I meant kid yourself! The song was written about ... well not pets! I'm certain of that. But it is being used here to tell a story of a girl (Mariah), who wants not just a dog for Christmas, but her dream dog. Now when I saw this on Prime, I thought "you've got to be kidding me, yes?". But they weren't and I have to admit, it is not half as bad as I expected this to be.
It is of course aimed mainly at the very young ones. But it has a social message amongst all the mayhem it does create. And with the main/theme song being as great as it is ... what can go wrong? The movie may not be anywhere near top standards animation wise, but it does have its heart in the right place. If you are a cynic (I kind think I am too, but apparently I do have a heart - which occasionally works), you may feel differently ... just be aware what this is and what it tries to achieve. This nothing more, but also nothing less