Tuesday Night Fever (2009)
Directed by Chris Neri, Sarah Zimmer, Christine Heiner.
A true nostalgia trip. Tuesday Night Fever is one of those really unique independent short films. Some short films attempt to tell a traditional three act story, condensing an idea down. Trimming all the fat, as some may say. This short elicits an emotion, a mood, an idea. This is the underrated beauty of the short film format.
Visually, the short gives you the textural experience of celluloid. The digital images breathe even more intensely than celluloid, thus solidifying its homage. It's pace is very melodious, matching the quick movements of its star, Joe Fishel.
Taking full advantage of this, Tuesday Night Fever creates feelings of elation. It also harkens us back to a simpler, more pure, time of cinema; the silent film. We are not only reminded of the era of disco, but also the golden age of Chaplin.