The story isn't all that bad, wife gets terminal disease, guy happens to be a scientist and begins attempting to make a cure for her.
Where it falls apart is the terrible acting, mainly from the main guy, the scientist. Not only does his acting suck but he looks 20 years older than his wife and he's really hard to look at as well as he talks weird.
Then, when he's ready to test his crud on a human lab rat, he gets a bandanna with what I'm assume has chloroform on it. He gets his butt kicked my a super old homeless man then, at a bar, this 20 something starts giving him the hey how you doing eye. GIVE ME A BREAK! This guy is not attractive, zero game. He just walks up to her, whispers in her ear for like half a minute, we are not privi to what he says to her and she just walks off with him and ditches her friends for the guy who's old enough to be her grandpa and 10x as ugly. Yeah, he can't even get the upper hand on her either, she almost escapes before he ends up just having to strangle her. So, what was the point of his stupid chloroform? Didn't work on either people he tried to use it on.
Next he goes after the families hospice nurse which is beyond messed up cause she has been nothing but superb to him and his family. Now, this woman is curvy and black and I just like I didn't believe some young hot coed would have givin this joke of a guy the eye in a bar I sure as hell don't believe that this hospice nurse couldn't have beat the living crud out of the guy. Oh, almost forgot to mention he uses an inhaler too, that's how sorry a sack of poo he is.
The bad casting and worse delivery of the movie ruined any chance it had of being acceptable cause like I said, the actual story wasn't completely terrible.
So yeah my advice, skip it.