Todd Braley brings you Misfit! A low budget movie with style and gritty ness to satisfy Grindhouse lovers.
Bullying is a big issue in society and gets swept under the rug and over looked. Well not in misfits. A different young lady that doesn't fit in is tormented by the glamour girls of her school. Yeah there the perfect girl next door that torment and make fun of who is not in there circle.
Well perfect cinematography and direction really tackles a very important subject. The reason I love Indy's is cause there not usher coated and paint by numbers everything will be all right.
No things will be taken care of and revenge is on the table. Gore, getting even and good ole fashion gore is displayed.
Frank Moore is the perfect mentor to show this young bullied teen the rite way. A serial killer, homicidal maniac takes him under his wing. He directs and shows her the perfect way to get even with her tormentors.
Torture is on the menu and this fine actor is so talented you actually are mesmerized when he talks. His command of his lines is amazing. I would listen to him. This young lady is weak and looking for guidance. Her life is so bad she is looking for any kind of companionship and true friendship.
What comes next is a gore fest that will please all horror fans!
Todd Braley has tackled a very important subject in our society and handled it tasteful and respectful. It will have All bullying victims standing up and cheering.
It stand above your average low budget horror because it uses talent and creativity and makes it work.
Bravo to a very talent crew and cast. I just heard there is a sequel coming soon and can't wait what direction this is going.
Maybe Stitches Goes to College?
I am game!
Directed and Written by Todd Braley. With Frank Moore, Jennifer Gentile, Angie Braley, Brianne Braley, Brian Breault, Christina Breault.