Sri Wickrama follows the story of The Last King, Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe who ruled over the Kandyan Kingdom from 1798 to 1815. I think the main objective of the movie was to serve justice to the character Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe, and director Mohan Niyaz has passed his goal.
Personally for me, upon watching the movie, I came to an understanding that us Sri Lankans unknowingly have been thinking that Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe is a cruel bad king. But the truth is, he isn't, and that point is proved in the movie.
Furthermore the movie followed the events of the freedom fight that took place in 1818, which was basically showcasing that those events took place because the Kandyan Nobelmen regretted their decision of handing over the king to the English.
Director Mohan Niyaz, who is known for capturing serious issues of reality in his movies like Yasoma, Sanda Yahanata has done the same with Sri Wickrama.
My opinions of King Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe changed after watching the movie. Furthermore the movie has a really sad ending, an ending that would bring tears to the audience which sparked a bit of realization.
Akhila Dannuddara portrayed King Sri Wickrama, and I think he's perfect for the role. Rajasinghe was only 17 when he was crowned king and was 32 when he was arrested. Most movies like Ehelepola Kumarihami had the wrong actor to play Sri Wickrama (Jackson Anthoney) since he isn't old or fat during his ruling period.
Finally the song, which is one of the most beautiful songs I ever heard in a movie. Michelle Dilhara who sang the song has a great voice, like a flow of waterfall.
I loved every moment of this film. More films like this should be made in Sri Lanka, not the meaningless junk that provides 0 context to audiences.
If you haven't seen this movie, you might as well watch it, you'll learn something and not regret it at all!