There is good and bad with this film, even as it feels like it is missing some of the magic of the first.
The cinematography, sound, and music are great. The film looks and sounds slick and flows well.
The story has some complexity to it as it involves more than just a set of good guys and a set of bad guys. It also follows the first film plot-wise, so having seen it will add to the experience.
At a few points in the story it would be better to not ask too many questions, as there are some plot conveniences that might be considered questionable for the validity and believability of a major international organized crime scenario. Some of the foundational premises of how characters are placed into the story are also tenuous.
The highlight for me though, was the heist execution and the subsequent chase. A long and gripping sequence of events that takes up much of the last half of the film. Superb sequences with sustained tension and realism. Really well directed and scored. And a very cool helicopter intervention.
The acting overall I would call very so-so. Often poor. The improvisation obvious. The casting, generally terrible. Adsurdly so. Aside from the two lead actors, I found the rest of the characters and cast playing them to be both unattractive and instantly forgettable. I never knew that French women had such large noses. Even the star of the film, and really the only one more or less acting in it, looks so haggard as to be a bit of a let down. The co-star was unconvincing generally in his role; he did not fit the part.
I think that this is what differentiates the feel of this film from the first. The first film had tight bands of opposing forces with strong main protagonist and antagonist characters. It also had believable and well-defined entourage characters played by actors who could act. The intensity felt genuine. This film sorely lacks all of this. It went full Euro and feels sloppy because of it. Casting was over-the-top diverse to the point of distraction, resulting in a lack of cohesion, with too many weak characters with no charisma that only made the plot contrivances more obvious.
Overall, still a good watch for fans of the first film.