If you pronounce "especially" as "exspecially", you probably shouldn't repeat the word again and again on a show. The cameraman must be made of plastic ping pong balls and magnets because of all the loud sounds you'd hear any time he moved as much as a millimeter. No joke. The woman's grammar is like, cringe worthy like, at times. Her narration of the episode is so hard to listen to as there is no pacing and little to no inflection of tone. It's very difficult. Other than the woman, no one enunciates their words so there is a lot of mumbling. At times you can even hear a crew member breathing heavily after literally taking a few steps across a flat surface.
I can't believe I'm even writing something this negative but it's truly that bad of a show. In every possible way, every aspect is either severely lacking, done poorly or without knowledge of the subject at hand, the study of the paranormal or production and filming of a show. This show would be acceptable on public access television. I tried to find something positive about the show. The cameras are high definition. That's all I have.