If the title of this movie didn't turn you off, just wait until you being watching it.
Reminds me of a student thesis film school project.
To be honest, I gave it one star, just because I know how much work and time everyone who works on a movie puts into it.
Its up to the director, cinematographer and editor to make everything work.
One star, for how much I enjoyed it. One star for being able to create a movie that's an hour long and actually convince the cast and crew they wouldn't be wasting their time. For a total of 3 Stars.
It was obvious the second the movie title popped up at the beginning, this was going to be a scary ride, not because its a scary movie, I am speaking metaphorically, as in, this is going to be a painful watch.
I am certain there are probably some Alien Conspiracy movie fans who will love this B-film, and it will probably make it someday on to a film site like Roku, Pop Corn, etc. Maybe even on to a middle of the night antenna T.V. slot, for people with insomnia to watch.
It certainly ranks up their with many to The Asylum movies.
So lets rap this up: Predictable, poorly scripted, nonsensical, quality-phobic, with cheesy aliens.