Going into this you must be aware that the guy who wrote and did almost everything on it from tea boy to director only cost a total of $175 and review it as such.
It does not have zombie hordes or explosions and mass CGI but has a haunting atmosphere, rather subtle music and a very different way of attacking a movie making project and this is what it is and should be reviewed as such.
So yes, it is more of a movie project and less of a film but it does well with what little he had in his wallet and shows what can be done with a very little amount of cash and has to be congratulated for the end result. There will not be many who will appreciate it in this day and age of mass CGI and multi million pound blockbusters and if you are expecting this then you probably will not appreciate or enjoy this film, but hey give it a try and think try to appreciate what could be produced with $175 in your pocket.