I was expecting something rather special from this, especially with the announcement of the incredibly talented queens scheduled to feature, but the end result was just disappointing. It was a heavily scripted, cheesy, and boring advertisement for RuPaul's new Christmas album....and not a very good Christmas album. We are left wondering what they did with the 'magic' that makes the regular series episodes so fabulously entertaining, and not only that, it seems to strip away all but a smidgen of festive cheer. And then comes the RuPaul and Michelle Visage lip-sync... with RuPaul looking incredibly wooden, and Michelle seemingly recreating Charlie Hides disastrous lipsync from season 9. With a lipsync performance that bad, the queens must be questioning if these two are fit to judge lipsync performances. In all, this spectacular was a mess. It didn't dazzle, it didn't entertain, and it didn't Slay!