Trailer was great. Really well put together. Shame it's no reflection of the final film.
So thumbs up to whoever edited that.
For a film of this budget the acting was good. Some over acting in places but seen far far worse.
What spoilt it the most gor me was the completely unrealistic way people acted to certain scenarios.
Which was often unintentionally hilarious, how could these people not react to how someone is behaving!? Fail.
Because of this a supposed 'shocking' scene was hugely diluted and became more of a "meh" moment. (Especially with the over the top drama before it happened......intended to make us feel joy and empathy. Again. Failed.
The script was quite frankly rubbish and nonsensical. Explained nothing and left you feeling unsatisfied.
The slow drudge of 40+ minutes before anything actually happened had me occasionaly hovering over the remote and ffwd button.
Some of the make up was enjoyable.
Sadly because of the poor script this film suffers and the hone invasion side plays.....whatever they were!?? It is all a confusing mess.