"Kid Speed" is an about on-par Larry Semon short, and theoretically it is a story about two fellows who must participate in an auto race in order to see who wins the girl. Of course, the fact that it is an about on-par Larry Semon short means that in reality it is not a story at all but twenty sustained minutes of crazy gags in the manner of an acted-out cartoon and revolving around the general theme of preparing for an auto race.
It's not Semon's greatest, most spectacular, or most memorable gag comedy, but even mid-level Larry Semon, despite its complete plotlessness and characterlessness, entertains on a certain very specific level and manages to impress with its scale of wildness and destructiveness. There's a goofy, baffling quality to the sight of a race-car pulling a man in bed along or a battle of sparks from a blacksmith's iron that makes us laugh with the film and at its for its unashamed daftness.
This was later in Larry's career in shorts, and in some close-ups his face looks rather lined and weary -- arresting in contrast with his ageless whiteface clown image. This being a Larry Semon film, the forecast has a high chance of some tasteless gratuitous racist humor. It occurs in a much stronger concentration in Semon's films than almost anywhere, and is never the highlight. Here it is felt but not the centerpiece of the short, as he tries to pull laughs from multiple shots of people's faces being darkened by soot from motors.
Oliver Hardy is here, being made to look positively skinny in comparison with the accurately-nicknamed Frank "Fatty" Alexander. Hardy is cast as Larry's rival, the seemingly malicious "Dangerous Dan." As such he mainly just gets to fill his role as Larry Semon's very capable slapstick practitioner sidekick. No character comedy as usual, but he is good at the pratfalls.
This is for you if you can find enjoyment in wildly goofy, impossible visual fun and don't come in looking for much more. In other words, it's a success at being a standard Larry Semon comedy, for what it's worth.