When the Simpsons or other modern animations try to create the "old style" cartoons from the 20's or 30's they tend to do it by having black and white figures constantly bopping around in motion even when standing on the spot not doing anything. That is the style that is here in this 1933 version of Snow White. The plot is essentially an evil stepmother seeks to kill Snow White when her magic mirror turns its affections to the younger woman but from here we have some variety in the telling as the dwarfs are hardly in it and instead we spend a lot of time with a ghost singing a Cab Calloway song in some sort of hellish underground mine.
As a version of the story is not where you want to go for the story, but as a cartoon it is very enjoyable because it is creative and fluid in what it does. The first half is pretty good and I liked it for its old style animation and sense of character but the second half is much better when the song starts and we focus on this ghost character changing shape etc in time to the words and music. This continues with the bizarre way to deal with the evil stepmother and I liked the image of her transformed and then flipped inside out by one of the characters. The animation does have this great vision to it – as another IMDb writer here has said, if this was done in the 1960's we would have said the guy was stoned but that it was a real trip; it does say a lot that this cartoon from the 1930's fitted in so easily with the style in the 60's and 70's.
It is worth seeing because although it not a hilarious cartoon it is creative with the animation and all has a very nice flow to it – and the addition of Cab Calloway singing just adds to the appeal.