About handsome, smartly-dressed "Lucky" Wilson (played by Robert Montgomery), ladies' man and racketeer who spends his time hitting up successful New York nightclubs for "protection" money and at the same time hits on every blonde he sees (even when it means dumping the current blonde he's with). When a couple of smart cops get someone to spill the beans on his rackets, Lucky is forced to leave town in a hurry and head for a hideout, but he gets himself shot on the way out and ends up getting picked up on the road by a Connecticut farmer, who bunks injured Lucky in his quite lovely family home/farm. The kindly family proceeds to nurse Lucky back to health, but Lucky just wants to get out of there - until he meets the farmer's beautiful daughter Pauline (Maureen O'Sullivan). Soon he's feeding the chickens, milking the cow, picking cherries, chopping wood, and performing other farm chores (all dressed in his nice white shirt and jacket) all in pursuit of the girl. And the family has NO clue that Lucky is a criminal!
Very entertaining film, with excellent performances by all including Elizabeth Patterson as the charitable farm wife/mom, and a young Mickey Rooney as the boisterous little brother/devoted rabbit farmer. Robert Montgomery is, as usual, charming and oh so attractive, and quite good at playing this gangster type role in addition to his usual roving playboy type - plus he has a good deal of chemistry with Maureen O'Sullivan here. I enjoyed the story in this and found the whole film to be very enjoyable. Well worth seeing.