This movie was recently on "Turner Movie Classics." Seeing the cable guide write-up and the fact that Lionel Barrymore was the headliner had me looking forward to this film, but I was really disappointed.
I have to admit, of a listed 83-minute film, I finally snapped it off with about 45 minutes to go. I'm all for setting the scene, developing characters, etc., but enough was enough. There were a couple of chuckles in the part I saw leading up to the death of the character Peter Grimm and I knew it would probably get funnier with the appearance of his ghost, but I just gave up. I got to roughly 5 minutes after his death and that was it.
The entire first half was tedious character/storyline development which was WAY too much! They could've accomplished everything they wanted to do in about 15 minutes and then spent the roughly 70 remaining minutes on the humor, fantasy, and fun.
Perhaps someday I'll sit down and watch the rest of this movie, but, for what it's worth, I didn't care too much for what I saw.