This film essentially begins with the Three Mesquiteers helping out a friend named "Jefferson Harris" (Edward Cassidy) by performing in an act for a traveling circus that he half owns. It is then revealed that Jefferson's partner, "Thomas Rigby" (Edward Piel Jr.) is using this circus to launder counterfeit money and, in order to increase his profit margins, wants to possess the other half of the circus as well. To that effect, unable to get Jefferson's half of the circus legally, Rigby plants some counterfeit money on him and then secretly turns him in to some federal agents. What he doesn't count on, however, is just prior to being sent to prison, rather than selling his half of the circus over to him, Jefferson leaves it to his young daughter "Nancy Harris" (Anne Bennett) who is coming out West with her governess "Ellen Reed" (Maxine Doyle) to see him one last time. Not only that, but the Three Mesquiteers have pledged to protect her interests while also getting to the bottom of the counterfeiting ring in the process. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film was a definite improvement over its immediate predecessor "Gunsmoke Ranch" due in large part to the fact that "Lullaby Joslin" (Max Terhune) wasn't featured quite as much. Be that as it may, while this was certainly not a great Western by any means, I supposed it managed to pass the time well enough, and I have rated it accordingly. Average.