Billie Dove is the neglected wife of American consul Sidney Blackmer. When explorer Conway Tearle shows up, she is fascinated. American authoities think he's involved in a diamond smuggling ring. As they fall in love with each other, Tearle attempts to redeem himself.
It's a poor and short movie from First National. Director William Beaudine tries to give it a visual flair, with some big setting scenes and a lot of tracking shots. However, some wonky line readings and an overwrought musical score don't help.
This movie was reported as having been made in 1930, and I can believe it. I think it was also trimmed, making it suitable for second feature status and to try to recoup some of the costs.
Miss Dove's career, despite the backing of her lover, Howard Hughes, was not doing well. He would star her in a Lubitschian comedy, COCK O' THE WALK. When her final film, BLONDIE OF THE FOLLIES, came out, her role was trimmed way back at the order of William Randolph Hearst. She retired from the screen (except for a cameo in1962's DIAMOND HEAD).