This short one-reeler features Shirley Temple as Diaperina, heading a children-only cast of three-to-five year olds, performing in a broad burlesque as the star of a floor show at the "Lullaby Lobster Palace", dancing and singing "She's Only a Bird in a Gilded Cage", to represent her servitude to the evil nightclub owner (Georgie Smith). Directed by Charles Lamont, who is generally credited as being Temple's discoverer, and produced by Jack Hays, who put together most of her early Screencraft short features, this effort is intentionally silly, and there is little evidence among the disjointed episodes of the star's later self-possession, with wooden performances by the moppet players, although Eugene Butler is somewhat winning as Elmer, hayseed paramour of Diaperina, who has come to the big city to find and rescue her; of historic interest only.