"The Kid from Brooklyn" is a remake of the Harold Lloyd movie, "The Milky Way". Now why they chose this Lloyd story to remake is puzzling, as this original story wasn't very good and is among Lloyd's least films. It's not a terrible film...but a mediocre one. Can Kaye and company manage to improve on the original or is it a dull remake of a pretty dull original?
Burleigh Sullivan (Kaye) is a wimpy but nice milk man. One day, he gets into a fight with two guys on the street and somehow the two ended up being knocked out. One of the pair turns out to be the middleweight boxing champion...so the middleweight's promoter takes on Burleigh as his new boxer. This is because there's been a lot of publicity about this 'fight'. However, soon Burleigh tells them the truth...the pair swung at him at the same time and he ducked...and they knocked each other out. But no matter...the promoter couldn't care less if Burleigh could box or not, as he plans on fixing Burleigh's boxing matches...only to let him get the snot knocked out of him eventually...when the promoter can make a fortune betting against him.
The biggest way this is different from the Lloyd film are several song and dance numbers...ones that in no way improve upon the original. Also, Kaye seems to mug a bit more...at least more than Lloyd did. Overall, an okay remake of an okay film....the very definition of okayness!